🖼️4.4 Final Integration

Level 3: Merging the first and the second levels.

The third and final level involved merging the elemental ontology and the perspectivisation enhancements into a cohesive whole. This integration process ensured that the ontology not only captured the core sociological concepts but also represented the complex interplay of perspectives.

The key outcomes of this level include:

  • Unified Ontology: A comprehensive ontology that incorporates both the foundational sociological aspects and the perspectivisation thematic.

  • Enhanced Query Capability: The integrated ontology supports additional queries about the exploration of how youth subcultures are perceived, their internal dynamics, and their interactions with broader society.

OWL Ontology in RDF/Turtle

Raw: Youth Subculture OWL

OWL Visualisation

Live OWL Documentation Environment (LODE)

Last updated